asrama perguruan islam salaf al ghoib
yayasan yatim piatu dan anak jalanan
Taruban kulon Tuksono Sentolo Kulon Progo 55664
no rek zis : BPD 023221001680 an apisa daru syahwat an nikmat
zakat untuk menyelamatkan ummat
donors sought to buy land of 4 h pi orphan foundation for development
atu and street children
donors can be sent directly kealamat zazin sulaiman taruban Kulon Tuksono Sentolo Kulonprogo 55,664
or transfer hoist BPD 023221001680 an apisa daru syahwat an nikmat / bri 693601013195538 a / n zazin sulaiman
as a thank you to the two people with the first donor nominal 50m will be immortalized as the name of the foundation
for info hub hp 0822-2004-4002
or email;